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The Old Grandparents called their land, Cem Anahuac – Land surrounded by great waters. Since the land was called Anahuac, they called themselves Anahuacans and the culture became known as Civilization of the Anahuac. We believe that Mexico had only one civilization that branched into many different cultures through time and space united by the main philosophical/cultural frame, like the human hand with its five different fingers all attached and dependent of the same part.

The history of the civilization of the Anahuac began with the domestication of corn and the birth of agriculture, approximately six thousand years before the Christian era. This civilization ended with the arrival of the Spanish. Ours was an ancient civilization that emerged and developed without the intervention of foreign influences. We are , without any doubt, one of the six oldest civilization known to man. Our culture consists of three distinct eras:


Pre-classic: 6,000 B.C., to 200 B.C. This is known as the formative period. The culture representing this period is called the Olmec.

Classic: 200 A.D. to 800 A.D. In this era, the Toltec culture reached its splendor.

Post-classic: 850 A.D. to 1519 A.D. This era, represented by the Mexica known as Aztecs, is the end of ancient cultures.


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