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In the northern part of Mexico City, in the State of Mexico, we find the city of Teotihuacan, one of the most beautiful and impressive cities found in the six ancient civilizations in the world.Teotihuacan – Place Where Men Learned To Be Gods – is, indisputably, the place where the plumed serpent embarked in its flight to seek celestial heights. Crossing the ample avenue that runs from North to South, the Street of the Dead is found in the northern part where the splendid pyramid of the Moon was built to crown the road of the dead in search for the ultimate reality.

In the central part of the Street of the Dead, facing West and under a huge grotto in the shape of a shamrock, emerges a monumental and imperturbable man-made mountain, the Pyramid of the Sun. This pyramid pays homage to "For Whom We Live," Lord of the darts of fire, solar eagle that guides and directs life. To the south of the street of the Dead, there is a complex net of fourteen edifices called "The Citadel." The complex is breathtaking for its symmetry and beauty. In the center of the plaza the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl, Lord of Divine Breath, looms in Teotihuacan, monument to the human spirit.


Teotihuan, with its millions of tons of adobe and stone, reminds us of the concept of divinity and humanity, and, at the same time, it maintains alive and present the constant struggle to transcendence the limited material world. More than 85,00 Toltec, luminous spiritual warriors speak through "the black and red ink," symbols of wisdom and beauty, of Teotihuacan and the grandeur of the human spirit.




In the center of a valley surrounded by numerous mountains and at an altitude of 400 meters, the sacred site of Monte Alban or Mountain of the Jaguar, was built atop a mountain laboriously flatten by hand to accomplish the impossible. To build this magnificent city in the sky by carrying tons and tons of green quarry stones to the summit. This place, still permeated by the spiritual force of the warriors of the flowery battle, gives testimony that for 3,003 years, advanced civilizations inhabited the area and produced a marvelous piece of architecture that allows the spirit to soar through the courts and spaces. The Old Grandparents sent us through the unlimited space and time the message of the grandeur of people that inhabited this sacred place and the wisdom within its walls, surrounded by natural beauty to compliment the work of man.




In the west part of the luminous and vast Valley of Tlacolula and appearing to seek refuge in the mountains, we find Mitla, the place of the death. The abode of the Lord and Lady Death resists disappearing despite its advance state of ruins. Those arriving at Mitla are able to appreciate a view that more symbolic it is a reality of our people. A short distance from the ruins, a Catholic church rises from its foundation and walls built with stones used in the temple of the Lord and Lady of Death. This is Mexico, a country of mixed blood, but our origin is found deep in the ancient roots of the Old Grandparents.


According to Spanish Historians they recorded a legend that speaks about a complex system of underground tunnels that reach as far as Monte Alban. In contrast to that legend, we have today ample evidence of our past in the courts, patios and the four buildings that mark the four cardinal points or directions. In these splendid buildings we also find engraved in stone magnificent fret work and millenary adornments called grecas, made by the civilization of the Anahuac. In the grecas, identical to those found in Teotihuacan, we can appreciate the same spiritual message that records the parable of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered God of Wind and Tlaloc, God of Water. These gods of the Anahuac are known as Kukulcan and Chac to the Maya, and Belaguetza and Cosijo to the Zapotec.


Quetzalcoatl is also represented by a longitudinal sliced caracole or spiral shell where the divine breath passes through to give consciousness or life. Tlaloc, is represented by a flash of lightening that announces rain that in turn aids in the reproduction of living matter. The grecas are accompanied by the Cross of Quetzalcoatl representing the four sites of existence and the center that gives them balance.




Among all the centers of wisdom of the Old Grandparents and what today are known as archaeological zones, undoubtedly Palenque occupies a very special place because it is a monument to the creativity of the Maya culture. It is the only pyramid found in Mexico, built with the sole purpose of providing a mortuary place of rest for an important person.

Many years went by after the discovery of Palenque with its Temple of the Descriptions, when an archaeologist discovered on the upper floor of the pyramid small holes that were overlooked before during the first exploration. He thought, at the time, that they were probably secret passages. His supposition turned out to be right. When the lab stones were lifted they revealed a set of stairs that went all the way down to the base of the pyramid where he found a chamber and within this chamber a huge stone sarcophagus that contained the remains of the illustrious and powerful Lord Pacal.


Palenque is situated at the foot of chain of mountains in the middle of tropical and humid forests embracing the states of Chiapas and Tabasco. From the Tower of this marvelous architectonic complex., one can appreciate the gentle slopes of the terrain that reaches all the way to the Golf of Mexico.




Mexicans today ought to be proud of our Old Grandparents, who, among many other things, ranging from wisdom, food, objects and inventions, left us a the invaluable heritage of the ball game, known as the oldest sport in the history of humanity and still in existence.


It is believed that our Old Grandparents invented the game in the year 1,500 BC. It is interesting to not that the game is played in various parts of the country following almost the same rules used in antiquity. In all the archaeological zones, ball courts have been discovered, but the most impressive, not only for its size but for its general arrangement, is the one built by the Maya and found in Chichen Itza, in Yucatan. The ball game served three purposes; for astronomy/philosophy, religious and, finally for sport. The latter was practice in all the towns and taught at the telpochcalli or school.


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