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In the humanity's oldest civilizations with over five thousand years of the existence, complex and varied organization forms were developed to govern and manage communities? activities; the oldest and most important democracy in the world to this day is the Toltec democracy, which is exercised daily in hundreds of Mexican municipalities.
This democracy was born, most likely in the preclassical period with the so-called Olmec culture. Today it can be defined as "participatory democracy", that is, in which the community participates in problem analysis, challenges and decision-making to address and resolve them communally.

Indeed, over thousands of years, the Anahuaca and peasant communities, use the world's oldest democracy, where citizens normally meet every month, in a public assembly and in it, municipal authorities set out the agenda to be dealt with, plus those proposed by citizens and all is debated. When the assembly has made a decision, the authority "governs by obeying", that is, executes the assembly decisions.
This is the true spirit of the democracy ideal, government of the people for the people, and where authorities do not do as they wish, but what the community has decided on their own responsibility. Unlike political party democracy, where market forces, and political groups make decisions on how to govern, always for the benefit of power groups, businesses or political parties, which permanently has a constant friction between citizens and authorities, and, between political and economic power groups.
This is the real goal of political party democracy, which was created in 1776, with the invention of the world's first country, the United States. The aim is for the community to remain permanently divided and confronted, so that economic interests are stronger than the interests of political power groups and the interest of the people "common good".
On the contrary, the essence and philosophy of Toltec democracy is: "the common good, over individual interest", service or work for the community, solidarity, community responsibility, the defense and maintenance of its traditions, festivals, customs and customs, among the most outstanding, which translates into the target goal of strengthening and increasing historical memory and cultural identity.
This Toltec democracy, through a masterful strategy of cultural resistance, has been able to survive these five centuries of foreign occupation, and has remained despite the ongoing permanent attack of regional, national and international power groups, to make it disappear and impose a market democracy with their political parties and its corruption. But it has remained due to its effectiveness, since peoples know, from long historical experience, that true democracy is the one that can defend them from occupation, subjugation and predation of their natural resources.
The dominant culture, pejoratively, calls the Toltec democracy, "a system of uses and customs", and always seeks belittle it as primitive, being able to impose the political parties? system and govern communities through corruption. In the modern colonizing discourse, it is stated "democracy was born in Greece". Totally false, much older democratic systems occurred in Egypt and Mesopotamia, on the Euro-Asian-African continent. In fact, the Greek culture is nothing more than a crude copy of the ancestral Middle East cultures, only that Hegel, in the 18th century, invented the idea that Europe emerges philosophically from Classical Greece.
Greek democracy was only practiced among patricians, who were only engaged in war. In this democracy, women and slaves had neither a voice nor a vote. In Plato?s Republic, there were only three social classes: leadership, warriors, and workers. Any resemblance to American democracy is only a fluke.
In Mexico, since 1824, the Creoles in creating "their republic", never took into account the wisdom of the Anahuac civilization, one of the six oldest and autonomously born on the planet. Permanently copying foreign models throughout, and systematically have despised the ancestral wisdom of peoples and cultures, which, for them, historically had nothing to offer them. First it was the French model and now the American model, but that both nations have not only invaded us, exploited us and, above all, despised the crude attempts of the powerful Creole classes to become their equals.
When we see that the capitalist, neoliberal and globalized model is crumbling, it is time to turn to ourselves, recognize ourselves and revalue ourselves in who we truly are and what we have done over ten thousand years. The future of the Matria is in the decolonized knowledge of her past. Educayotl AC. Decolonizing is dignifying.

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