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In 1519, 850 Europeans reached the shores of the Anahuac, aiming at "rescuing gold" (steal) and then "pacify" (repress) invaded peoples, subjecting them to the "true God" and add the territory to the Kingdom of Castile. They were commanded by Hernan Cortez, who betrayed the Governor of Cuba, Diego Velasquez, to break the one-sided contract of the expedition which was funded by Cortes, investors and some members of the expedition. They were not an army, there were no soldiers, but expeditioners fugitives of the Cuba law, eager to become rich overnight at whatever price.

The Catholic monarchs not only had a commitment with the Vatican to extend the domains of "the Catholic faith" that generated great wealth to the papacy and political position, but that they owed them, in part, for the possibility of their marriage thanks to the bulls enacted in their favor and political and economic support to defeat their local enemies, to the Kingdom of Portugal and containing the Kingdom of France over Aragon, eternal enemies.

So since the beginning of time, the Iberian Peninsula was invaded by peoples given that it was a natural passage between Europe and Africa, who imposed on native peoples, their customs and religious beliefs, whether Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Berber, Jewish, Suebi, Alans, Byzantines, Romans, Vandals, Goths, Visigoths, etc.

The interesting thing is to know that when the peninsula was a Roman province the "cult of Arius” was spread, and did not believe that Jesús of Nazareth was "God" and accused Catholics of being polytheists and both religions came into conflict.

With the fall of the Roman Empire and the invasion of Germanic peoples (Goths and Visigoths) the confrontation was critical until the Iberian peoples allied with the Muslims and expelled the Visigoths from the peninsula (711 AD) and some embraced Islam, not recognized “sin” of the "official history of Spain".

So that the supposed "re-conquest" (because there was never an Arab "conquest") made by the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon, was not only against the Arabs, but later against native peoples that were not Catholics and professed other religions (Arius, Jews and Muslims) and against their authorities, that is kings and traditional feudal lords of the peninsula to enforce the laws of Castile, their language and Castilian nobles to rule them and create the Kingdom of Spain in 1516. Hence the continued nationalist struggles of the Basques, Catalans, Galicians, etc.

The Catholic religion that blessed and legalized the Spanish invasion of America, by 1519, had gone through a process of transformations, adaptations and degradation, especially in the so-called "middle ages", where the Vatican shared and fought for earthly power, corrupting to such an extent that the papacy was bought or came to be a woman "papa". But, above all, so that barbarian peoples of Europe would embrace the Catholic religion, it suffered many adaptations and transformations (as in Mexico) to be able to be "adequate" to the local ancestral gods.

The Catholic Church arrived in the Anahuac as a one more power, and independent, but with the same purpose of the Crown and colonizers: "to have more power and make fabulous riches". This ties it to a series of crimes, not just against the anahuacas, but against themselves. Indeed, immoral life and crimes constantly committed by men of the Church among themselves, made the dungeons of the Holy Office full of processed people, the letter to King by Albuquerque, Bishop of Oaxaca in the 16th century, asking for the construction of a new building, provides as a reason that religious people processed do not fit in existing facilities.

The invaders-conquerors arrived in Anahuac with this past and a religion that had suffered many transformations and degradation. That it was not an ancient religion such as Hinduism and Zoroastrianism from India or Mesopotamia. And that it justified all crimes, thefts, abuses and excesses by imposing on alien people, that had never offended them, attacked or invaded, to take away their "demonic" religion and impose by blood and fire the "true God".

On the other hand, peoples of the Cem ?náhuac came from an endogenous process of over seven millennia of human development, product of one of the six oldest civilizations in the world with an autonomous origin. Ion the Anahuac existed a single civilization with many different cultures in time and space, jointed by a common "root-matrix", philosophical-cultural-religious called Toltecáyotl.

There was a common religious conception, from what is now Nicaragua to Northern U.S. It was based on a creative energy, invisible, unnamable, impalpable that metaphorically was called "he for whom one lives, night wind, he who is here and everywhere at the same time" and was represented symbolically with the Sun or an eagle. This creative energy had many dedications, that the Spaniards maliciously identified as "gods" to justify their "war against the demon".

For example: the manifestation of the Supreme divinity as "luminous energy", - atoms-, was metaphorically represented with water. It wasn't the "God of water", because in the Cem ?náhuac there were not "gods". "Water is the priority constituent of cells of all animal and plant tissues. Therefore, where there is no water, life is not possible— at least as we know it - since it develops all biochemical reactions for living beings. It is simply the foundation of life because life is born in it. It is the basis of all living being. Greek astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher such as Thales of Miletus - who lived over 2500 years ago – already considered it "the principle of all that exists".

This dedication on the nahuatl language was known as Tlaloc, Chac ion Mayan, Cosijo in Zapotec and Tajin in Totonac, all were different in terms of its iconography, but all shared some goggles and a serpent tongue, as well as the same philosophical-religious significance in its "root-matrix" the Toltecáyotl for all Cem ?náhuac.

The metaphorical symbol par excellence in all the Anahuac's wisdom was Quetzalcoatl. Understood, not as a human being or a "God". But as the Anahuac cultural archetype, where the quetzal represents the spiritual part of man (from the navel to the head) and the coatl (snake) represents the material part of the human being (from the navel to feet). Thus "Quetzal-coatl", far from representing a God becomes more of a higher aspiration of the human being to find the balance between "the pair of complementing opposites" that make him. Therefore, the Toltecáyotl, which is wisdom and Toltec institutions can be understood as "the art of living in balance".

And this is the point of our ancestral religion, find a balance between our spiritual and material parts of ourselves and the world in which we live. Of the "tonal" or rational and against the "nahual" or intuitive part. The inner and outer balance. The balance with all living beings with whom we share life and the universe.

For this reason, the iconographic symbol of this archetype is known as Nahui Papálotl "four Butterfly" in nahuatl or quincunx in Latin according to Laurette Séjourné or Hunab Ku in Maya, represents four butterflies in balance pointing to the four cardinal points and forming a snail cut transversely at its center.

The ancient religion of the Anahuac was one, with multiple different expressions of the same reality, in time and space. In which human accepts the responsibility to assist the universe forces to keep "equilibrium of movement".

The big difference with the West and modern thought, is that in Toltecáyotl, science and spirituality are linked inextricably through the balance and harmony of the principle of "complementing opposites". Where the cosmos was the quantifiable "master" and the Earth as the qualitative "master".

Thus, the human turned into a warrior who had to fight with the most powerful opponent that inhabits the dark part of each individual, to tune with the "vibrational frequency" that maintains the internal and external balance of the "whole universal".

The warrior weapons are par excellence "Flower and song", metaphorically understood as "flower-beauty-balance and song-poetry-wisdom". This battle, the Toltec metaphorically named "Flowered battle" and was through the "Smoky mirror", Tezcatlipoca (the inner enemy), that allows us to know the "own face and true heart".

Thus, female and male warriors of the flowered death, when defeating themselves, were tuned with the master frequency, becoming butterflies (metaphorically) to rise and find the celestial spaces of the spirit.

The Toltecáyotl probably began with the invention of agriculture and approximately in the sixth Millennium BC., maize, through knowledge that allowed them to meet their material and survival needs and subsequently, their needs in the life significance in the spiritual realm, and reached their apogee in the classic period (200 BC to 850 AD).

The upper classical period is known as the "collapse", when inexplicably throughout the Cem Anahuac, the warriors of the flowered death as well as their venerable teachers mysteriously disappeared at the same time and in a "concerted" action (from Alaska to Nicaragua), leaving behind the prophecy that they would return to restore wisdom and balance in "the year one Reed", which is repeated every 52 years according to the zenith position of the Pleiades.

The third period began approximately in the year 850 and ends with the European invaders arrival. This period is of decadence, peoples without their venerable masters and with abandoned or destroyed knowledge centers, began to transgress the Toltecáyotl and several peoples and tlatoanis tried to restore the cultural unity by means of weapons, something the Toltec had achieved through the Toltecáyotl.

Wars started along with the "Altepetl", translated into Spanish as "Lordship" and several famous Huey Tlatoani, among others Moctezuma Ilhuicamina Mexica; eight deer Jaguar paw Mixtec, and; Tzintzuntzan Purepecha started these futile attempts. This period of wars and Toltecáyotl transgressions are called by Alfredo López Austin the creation of the State or "Zuyuano system".

The "Hispanic Neocolonial official history" places the Mexica or as called "Aztecs", as the most powerful and important people of all Cem Anahuac and the "Prehispanic" past, (as the creoles call it). Which is completely false and fraudulent, Purepecha and Maya peoples were more powerful militarily than the Aztecs. In fact, in the year 1478 Axayácatl was shamefully defeated by the Purepecha in Charo.

The Mexica are the people representative of the Postclassical period. They came to the central highlands in the year 1215. They founded a small village called Tenochtitlan in 1325, begin to appropriate the remnants of the Toltec culture (now nearly five centuries since the departure of Quetzalcoatl and the abandonment of Teotihuacan), and begin to have a relative power in 1440 with Moctezuma Ilhuicamina.

But transgressions ordered by Tlacaélel (1398-1480), Cihuacóatl for three Mexica tlatoanis, to the Toltecáyotl, i.e. change the Toltec philosophical thinking of a spiritual nature by an "Materialist-Mystic-Warrior" ideology, which contravened the spiritual teachings of Quetzalcoatl and imposed those of "earthly power" of Huitzilopochtli.

This tutelary numen was a religious figure created by the Mexican culture in the Postclassic period, long before their arrival in the Central Highlands, does not belong to the ancient Toltec lineage that produced the Toltecáyotl. The Mexica related it with the Sun, war and the will to power. Tlacaélel and his reforms attempted to erase the ancient history and "grafted" Huitzilopochtli to the cosmological and foundational stories of the Anahuac.

The very "pilgrimage in search of the promised land", is part of the Anahuac ancestral historical memory (and of other ancient peoples of the world), and not the history of the last "Chichimec people" (barbarian) that arrived from the North.

The Mexica overturned the Tlaloc-Quetzalcoatl Toltec divine duality and replaced it with Tlaloc-Huitzilopochtli, i.e. minimized the spiritual world and exalted the "mystic-materialist-warrior" views that briefly gave them a relative power in the Central Highlands (1440-1521), but that was the reason why Cortes managed to reach Tenochtitlan, self-naming himself "the Quetzalcoatl’s captain" and turn highland peoples against the Mexicas.

Toltec wisdom schools became military schools. The Toltecs mystic-spiritual type "flowered battles", became wars to capture warriors and sacrifice them to the Fifth Sun, to nourish the Sun and prevent his death, as well as imposing great tributes to the vanquished. Trade was activated and began using cocoa as currency, priests took over military command, for the first time in Anahuac private property began to proliferate and society was militarized, developing the material aspect of life and the world.

Cortes found out through the Malinche betrayal, who learned that 1519 was the year of the prophecy of the return of Quetzalcoatl, and Cortes assumed the role of "Captain of Quetzalcoatl" (another one of his lies), making the anahuacas believe that the King of Spain was Quetzalcoatl, and who had sent him to ensure the Mexicas paid for their transgressions to the ancient thinking and religion, prompting a "religious war" between peoples who supported the Envoy of Quetzalcoatl and the Mexicas who maintained the Huitzilopochtli cult.

The Spaniards arrived with an overstepped religion that had little to do with the preaching and the Jesus of Nazareth life example, and one that they had recently incorporated (as a people) to their culture, supported by the Vatican in their expansion and power intentions, remembering that many peoples who lived on the peninsula had different religions, Arius, Muslim and Jewish that perforce had to take the Catholic religion as the only way of surviving. For this "crusade" the Castile and Aragon Kings self-defined themselves "Catholics" and forced to profess it by anyone who lived in their domains.

The Mexicas, who had overstepped a millennial religion, only 81 years before, became "the gateway" for the conquest and colonization, since once the Mexicas were defeated, the Europeans were devoted to invading the Cem Anahuac with the same allied military indigenous forces and the Mexica themselves joined the invasion as "defeated/allies", under the ways and customs of the Postclassic period wars.

Thus, by blood and fire, one of the six oldest religions and with independent origin on the planet was destroyed. The Holy Inquisition, religious orders, the secular clergy, colonial government and even any spaniards, pursued to systematically and brutally "eradicate", all traces, permanence and resistance of the ancient religion of the anahuacas.

Only the immense suffering and appalling persecution succeeded in achieving that the sons of the sons of the old grandparents leave their ancient mother religion and converted to a foreign religion, which the Spaniards and the very priests, monks and high religious authorities did not comply with, who were in permanent struggle for wealth, power and perquisites, and petty rivalries throughout the colonial period.

It was not only injustices against anahuacas by Spaniards, but the amount of court cases with documentary records, between the very religious peoples, such as: murders, thefts, offal, fraud, slander, disputes of territories, immoral behavior and "sins of the flesh". The Holy Office prisons were filled with religious.

The Bishop of Oaxaca, Bernardo de Albuquerque wields this reason to the King of Spain in the middle of the 16th century, when asking for his authorization to build a new larger bishopric to house so many religious people imprisoned.

The incongruity between Spaniards and Creoles theory and religious practice, was what led the anahuacas to lose their high spirituality and become fanatical idolaters of a transfigured religion not fully understood, that goes from "Arianism" resulting from direct preaching of Jesús of Nazareth until the Roman and Catholic Church, resulting from the terrifying and decadent middle ages, including the "wrongs and injustices" of the Crown and viceroyalty civil and religious authorities’ interests.

Of the ancient spirituality that was present in all spheres of everyday life, of people, families and authorities of the anahuaca State, manifested in the religion of "he who is invisible, impalpable and unnamable, who is here and everywhere at the same time and that is, for whom we live", going through the brutal and violent conquest shock, colony and systematic and fanatical "extermination", to create a transformed religious syncretism, which is plenteous of idolatries and miscegenation of what was "ours” and what was imposed, which moved the peoples anahuacas away from their spiritual vision of the world and life, leaving them without "a own God and without a true religion".



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