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Nepohualtzintzin: a nahuatl mathematical model. II


Teotihuacan was the Toltecáyotl generating and diffusion center in the Cem ?náhuac splendor or classical period. The Toltec not were a culture and much less an ethnic group. On the contrary, it was a knowledge degree. The Toltecs were men and women of knowledge from all peoples and cultures gathering in Teotihuacán to investigate and learn the new contributions of the Toltecáyotl, to then return to their places of origin to disseminate it among students and teachers at the various tollanes that existed from what today is Nicaragua to Northern U.S. This wisdom was produced and shared by communities, and therefore, influences from Teotihuacan reached the remotest confines of the Cem ?náhuac through the Toltec.

The ancient anahuacas did not live in cities, as other civilizations, such as Mesopotamia and China, to cite two cases. The Altepetl, which is the name to refer to the neurological center of the huey calpulli, scattered across the land, as opposed to cities that are power centers to dominate and exploit the peasants’ nuclei to feed. The Toltecáyotl instructed individuals, families and communities to be self-sustaining, so it was convenient to live in the place where the land was worked. Places like Cantona in Puebla, are exceptional and are explained by the intensive Obsidian production of the place and that was required in all Cem ?náhuac.

The civilization of the Anahuac called Tollan, the places where the Toltecáyotl unfolded, and Altepetl, the place where the civil authorities, administers, educational and religious population centers resided. Huey Calpulli administered the minor calpulli. So that Teotihuacan was never a “city” in the Western conception and much less "the place where men learned to be gods", because in the Anahuac there were never gods. Teotl in nahuatl means divinity and tihua, what is constructed or created. And can, as a "land of".

The Toltec in Teotihuacan were Tlamatinime[1] i.e., learned in the sacred knowledge, because the Toltecáyotl, on its highest level was regarded as teotlamachiliztli or spiritual wisdom. So everything there was  and was made in Teotihuacan was teoyotl, understood as a divine or spiritual thing.

If the Toltecáyotl was the philosophical and cultural root of the Cen ?náhuac, Teotihuacan was its diffusion center, where humans trained with the Tlamatinime, the master, person experienced temachtekatl in the teotlacualli or spiritual food.

The Toltec were people of knowledge tlaixmatlisitli, who knew the secrets of in tlilli, in tlapalli "black and red ink", were regulars at the amoxtlatiloyan or library, were friends of the amoxiutlatiani or librarian.

"The wise: a light, a torch, a thick torch that doesn’t smoke."

An honest mirror, a mirror bore on both sides.

His is the red and black ink, his are the codices.

He himself is writing and wisdom.

He is the path, true guide for others.

He leads people and things, is human business guide.

The true sage, is careful (as a physician) and holds tradition.

He owns the transmitted wisdom, it is he who teaches it, follows the truth.

Teacher of truth, does not cease to admonish.

Makes wise the face of others faces, makes others take a face (a personality), and makes them develop it.

Opens their ears, illuminates them.

He is guide of teachers, gives them a way, one depends on him.

Places a mirror in front of others, makes them sane, careful; makes a face appear on them (a personality).

He sees things, regulates their way, disposes and orders.

Applies his light on the world.

Knows (what is) about us (and), the region of the dead.

He is a serious man.


Anyone is comforted by him, is corrected, is taught.


Thanks to him people humanizes their wanting to and receive a strict education.


Comforts the heart, comforts people, help, remedies, cures everyone."



[1]   Tlamatini (plural tlamatinime) is a Nahuatl language word meaning "someone who knows something", generally translated as "wise man". The word is analyzable as derived from the transitive verb mati "to know" with the prefix tla- indicating an unspecified inanimate object translatable by "something" and the derivational suffix -ni meaning "a person who are characterized by ...": hence tla-mati-ni "a person who is characterized by knowing something" or more to the point "a knower".


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