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The Mexica Face.




Much has been written about the Aztecs. From the so-called "sources" and later the Creoles who have tried to validate their project of "neo colonial country", in a vague and remote indigenous origin. The Creoles handled the image of the Aztecs, as well as the Europeans have managed the image of the Greeks and Romans, as their most ancient and glorious ancestors.



Many lies have been written about the Aztecs. Whether to revile them and depict them as powerful wild demonic idolaters, who swam in bold rivers, from the sacrifice of thousands and thousands of human beings. And who were heroically defeated by a handful of spanish "soldiers", led by a valiant charismatic leader.


Or to depict them as an evolved culture, creators of all the Anahuac grandeur. Inventors of calendar, mathematics, language, architecture and engineering, as well as religion and social organization forms. Owners of the "red and black ink", creators of the Toltecáyotl.



Neither of the two versions is true. Must not base the decolonization of our nation and the search of our ancient root, in the last peoples which savagely arrived from the North, when there had already been centuries since the collapse of the Anahuac splendor. There cannot be pride over the people that exploited the Anahuac, the people who transgreded the Toltecáyotl. It is not a matter of taking a radical position for or against. It is in fact a matter of establishing the entire civilization dimension and potential of ancient history before the invasion, in order to actually revive our historical memory and dismantle colonizer myths and lies. We must realize that who created the "Aztec Empire" myth, were the colonizers, because in the end, a handful of their ancestors conquered and destroyed the "formidable Mexica power".



To maintain the myth of the alleged Aztec power and its inaccurate greatness, is to remain at the mercy of the conquerors cultural inheritors, who in this way prevents us from knowing at a greater depth the ancient civilization of which we are living part. 166



Of course, the Aztec formidable ability to break the depressive inertia of the Anahuac culture in the Postclassical must be recognized. Their great will power and temperance to overcome the hegemony consolidation challenges. Their ability to re-functionalize art is an undeniable proof of the reaches and talent that the Aztec culture had. These features and virtues cannot pass unnoticed, but we cannot vainly exalt the false and negative. We must analyze and understand the reasons why, a handful of criminals, could subjugate millions of native people. To know the truth will allow us to initiate the reevaluation path of our ancient civilization and end the colonization.



There are seven thousand three hundred years of human development, diverse cultures and periods of incredible splendor, that we must consider for structuring the ancient grandparents cultural and historical heritage and consequently behave as "the sons of the sons of them", facing the future.



"A deeper study of this society (Aztec) would show without a doubt, deep contradictions, which would in turn explain the internal tensions which it tried relieve, occasionally in a ritual way. And the origin of these contradictions needs to be looked for in the overlay and the mixture of different cultures -the Toltec, transmitted to sedentary inhabitants of the Valley, and of the nomadic tribes which formed part the Aztecs – that contributed to shape the Mexican civilization, just as it was at the time of its discovery." (Jacques Soustelle. 1955)



The Aztec culture is then a mixture, sometimes harmonious and other discordant, of the ancient wisdom Toltec, full of spiritual and religious symbols, which at the time was in decadence, and the vigorous Aztec culture, heir of a strong material power will, to survive in a semiarid and rugged world. The nomad warriors under development and the sedentary peaceful peoples in decline. The mixture of mystical peoples and warrior peoples.



The Aztecs was a culture that could not conclude the syncretism and the mix between the two bequests that gave it life. In reality their time was very short (from 1325 with the founding of Tenochtitlan to 1521 167



with its fall only lasted 196 years) in relation to the seven and a half thousand years period lasted the Anahuac civilization, since the agriculture invention to the European invasion.



The Aztecs history can be divided into three very short periods. The first period occurred from their arrival, as nomadic barbarians, to the Anahuac Valley the 12th century and their power seizure with the Itzcóatl Tlatoani in 1424, where Tlacaelel begins his political career while still was very young. The second period covers the Tlacaelel as Cihuacoátl, influence and hegemony over several Tlatoanis (Itzcóatl, Moctezuma I (the elder), Axayacatl, Tízoc and Ahuizotl) until his death in 1480. The third period, from Tlacaelel death to the fall of Tenochtitlan.



The Aztecs did not have time to reconstitute the Tlacaelel ideology. In the last period, before the Spanish invasion, there was a stream of senior civil and religious leaders that proposed returning to an ideology and religion closer to the ancient Toltec. This situation further aggravated the conflict of the ruling class at the time of the arrival of Cortés, because the followers of the Tlacaelel thought wanted to exterminate the intruders and those who want to return to the Toltec ancient Quetzalcoatl doctrine, asked to receive Cortés as Quetzalcoatl‘s Ambassador.



The truth is that the Aztecs lacked time to mature and polish their ideology and religion. In some fields, especially art, the Aztecs not only matched the skill of the ancient Toltecs, but as can be seen today, especially in the Aztec Hall of the National Anthropology and History Museum, in some cases they exceed the Toltec masters.

