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Guillermo Marín
The federal administration, 2018-2024, calls itself "the 4T", from the assertion that Mexico has undergone three major transformations, and that they are the fourth transformation. They mention that the first transformation is the 1824 Constitution, the second the 1857 Constitution, the third the 1917 Constitution, and that their administration becomes the fourth great transformation of Mexico.
However, the assertion ignores the history of the country, over 9800 years, since agriculture, maize and milpa invention, which occurred around the eighth millennium before the era, to the 1824 Constitution.
Dr. Guillermo Bonfil Batalla in his book "Profound Mexico a Denied Civilization", states that there are two "Mexicos", one profound sinking its roots in thousands of years before the Spanish invasion, and an imaginary Mexico, which has its most remote origins in the New Spain Viceroyalty and that continues to this day.
Bonfil Batalla states that it is imaginary, not because it does not exist, but because despite always having the political, economic, cultural, educational power, it has never taken into account the profound Mexico, as the basis and essence of this country.


The one has always tried to "rescue" the other. Has tried to civilize it, Christianize it, Castilianize it, literate it, modernize it, globalize it, but has never taken it into account.
The Imaginary Mexico emerged in 1824, as a country without people, because the Anahuac peoples have never been considered by the people who hold power. The power does not listen to them, for the power they were a disgrace during the first century of their creation; and in the next, a drag preventing the country from joining the first world.
The problem arises when the Mexican state rejects the existence of the profound Mexico, that is, the Anahuac Civilization, which is presumed dead, only represented by archaeological sites and museums as a tourist attraction.
The millennial Anahuac was given the name of Mexico. And they have intended that everyone is "Mexican", that is, descendants of the Mexicas. The nation state project was, for many years, a monolingual, monocultural and monoethnic country.
It reduces the ancestral history, to what colonially calls "Pre-Hispanic History", that is, the 196-year-old Mexica culture, from the foundation of Tenochtitlan in the year 1325 to its destruction by spaniards.
As a decolonization and memory refreshment exercise, we have chosen 13 important events in the "own-our history", which have meant or signified great transformations in the Anahuac civilization development. Certainly, it is not a rigorous and exhaustive selection, surely there are other facts that we omit today.
We think it is interesting to remember these 13 great transformations that have turned the Anahuac, into the ancestral civilization that achieved the highest levels of well-being and life quality for its peoples and of which we are their descendants and heirs of this cultural heritage.
First: Agriculture invention.
Just like the other five ancestral civilizations of autonomous origin in the world: Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China and Tawantinsuyo; the Anahuac began its civilization process with the agriculture invention.
Second: Corn invention.
Anahuacas invented their own staple food by transforming the plant known as teosinte into maize, from what today is known as biogenetic engineering. Process which lasted many centuries.
Third: The milpa invention.
The Milpa is a process of interaction and mutual support between plants and people. Milpa finds its spirit in mutual aid, solidarity and community responsibility between plants and, between plants and people, the family itself.
Fourth. The Nixtamal invention.
The word nixtamal comes from the Nahuatl nixtlique meaning lime ash and tamalli which means cooked corn dough. It is an ancestral process, which is generally defined as a thermal-alkaline process. The process has four fundamental steps: cooking, resting, washing and grinding, allowing the dough to be created and from there hundreds of dishes.
Fifth: The Olmec Culture Beginning.
The academy designates the Olmec culture as the beginning of the Anahuac civilization. However, properly speaking it represents the culmination of a long period of knowledge humanization, research and systematization, which begins in the year eight thousand BC., with the agriculture invention and culminates with the culture called Olmec.
Sixth: The Mathematical Zero Invention.
Five hundred years before the Arabs, our ancient grandparents had to invent the zero in order to solve their intricate and incredible celestial mechanics investigations. Its invention was not due to market, commercial or warrior needs, but to the need to quantify the cosmos.
Seventh: The Nepohualtzintzin Invention.
Nepohualtzintzin is defined as a concept or philosophical principle of the thought structure of the nahuatl mathematical science, which is interpreted as: Ne, the person; Pohualli, counts; Tzitzin, transcending.
An interpretation of the concept refers to "the person who has the knowledge of the simple count of harmony to transcend the creation origin."
Eighth: The education system creation.
One of the essential civilizing foundations to achieve long-term goals, through forming values and guiding principles that gave face, heart and body to communities. The education system is the boiler and crucible in which individuals are formed and therefore communities. The anthill consciousness.
Ninth: The Toltec Democracy Creation.
The wisdom polishing and systematized experience in community organization over tens of centuries in which service to the community is the highest value of realization for a human being, the common good is above the private interest, the tequio or work in the middle, the Community Assembly, the committees and the govern by obeying, enabled the creation of the oldest participatory democracy functioning today.
Ninth: The Teotihuacan Construction.
The creation and function that this Tolan had, perhaps, the most important and influential in the North of the continent. Here came the most evolved human beings produced by centuries of wisdom. From all the confines of Anahuac they came to contribute and received wisdom, to take to their places of origin. Teotihuacan was the ruling tolan par excellence of the Toltecáyotl
Tenth: The Toltec human development pyramid top three levels creation.
At the Toltec human development pyramid top vertex were the three masteries: that of historical being consciousness, that of sacredness existence awareness and finally, the highest and most important, the mastery of the energetic body transcendence. The highest conscious being hope.
Eleventh: The Quetzalcoatl Departure from Anahuac.
In the mid-9th century, in concerted action, from what today is Nicaragua to southern Canada, the Toltecáyotl Research Centers were abandoned or destroyed, and the Toltecs mysteriously disappeared without a trace, hence beginning the third period known as Postclassic or decadence.
Twelfth: The Zuyuan regime creation.
Upon the venerable Toltec master?s departure, the inertia of matter gained spaces, what is known as the Zuyuano regime began to be created, which basically consists in abandoning the Toltecáyotl personal and community practices.
Thirteenth: The Mexica Culture Arrival and Development.
The mexihtin arrival in the central highlands as nomads, hunters, gatherers and without possessing the Toltecáyotl ancestral wisdom. They then named themselves as Mexicas and their dizzying empowerment from the Cihuacóatl Tlacaelel reforms from 1440 to their fall in 1521 by the civil war provoked by Cortés's ambition, the Malinche and Ixtlilxochitl betrayal by taking the invaders side, which allowed the beginning of the Anahuac invasion by the Spanish crown.
