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The Olmec represent the culmination of a people that were original nomads, hunters and gatherers to the first and well established culture that develop sophisticated systems of astronomy, mathematics and spirituality. From remote centuries and from generation to generation, this culture enjoyed a long period of existence from 1,500 B.C. to 1,200 B.c. This is the period known as the Pre-Classic. This period of formation and achievement is not considered important by the so called experts. Yet, these centuries are the roots of our civilization and the culture influenced greatly other cultures that developed and rose from the Olmec.


"One of the most controversial aspects in the Olmec culture, beside its chronology and influence in other peoples in Mesoamerica, have been their ethnic and linguistic affiliation to other cultures. In the south part of Veracruz and eastern part of Tabasco, the Olmec eshibit a new form or organization in economics, and social, political and religious life. This was totally different from the one lived in the geographical space by tribalsin many villages. These existed prior to the Olmec, that in the passing of time, they would develop a macro cultural area that is denominated as Mesoamerica." (Tomas Perez Suarez, 1994).


It is necessary, however, to point the philosophical synthesis that was left in the Olmec iconography and that this is a thread that maintained a link to all the processess of development in the civilization of the Anahuac and that the Spaniards themselves, were aware of these, when they found that the same Quetzalcoatl that appeared in the stones of Chalcatzingo, Morelos, in the Pre-Classic, was also found in the Classic in Teotihuacan and in the Post-Classic, with the Toltec in Tula and the Aztec in Tenochtitlan.


An intricate philosophy and religion were expressed by the cult of the serpetn. This is clearly seen in the representation of Tlaloc, the god of thunder, rain and lightening, with two snakes facing eachother.This philosophy and religion existed for more than three thousand years. This was the core of the mystic and religious realm of the ancient indigenous peoples of Mexico, that give testimony to the Mexico of today, in the many archaeological sites and objects produced by this old civilization.


To decolonized history, we must look onto the face of our real history to see our faces and stop looking at the faces of today.


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