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Where are the Mexicas


It's interesting, that within the 62 indigenous peoples and 85 languages that INEGI recognizes in this country, the mexicas, wrongly called Aztecs, do not appear listed. Official figures claim that approximately 10% of "Mexicans" are indigenous, because they recognize to speak a native language. The question is: how many of the respondents speak another language and deny it out of embarrassment, and how many more, that do not speak a native language, culturally live under ancestral habits and customs? Mysteries of identity.

It is significant that native peoples do not self-recognize themselves as "Mexicans". They are, as the case may be: Nahua, Maya, Zapotec, Mixtec, Yaquis, Pames, etc. Mexican comes from "Mexica", so that peoples who have identity, language and culture, do not recognize themselves as "Mexicans". So, who are then the Mexicans and where are the famous Mexica? Would then "Mexicans" be those who do not have any sense of identity and, could it be, that the real Mexica are hidden and crouching in the "center of the heart" of the colonizer monster.







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