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Teotlamatliztli, the sacred time... the return of Quetzalcatl



The ancient grandparents were great observers of the celestial vault, for several millennia made a rigorous observation, permanent, systematic, measured and reasoned, and in the movement of the stars discovered the perfect measure of time. Our Grandparents who initiated this centuries-old work are known as Olmec,[1] e.g. the people who measured movement. Hence they are the initiators of calendars, beginning with the 260 days lunar. Thus they knew "the movement measure" and discovered that the earth revolves around the Sun in 365.2520 days, that the cycle of Venus was of 584 days, of which disappears during eight days, during 236 appears as the morning star, disappears for 90 days and again appears 250 days as the evening star, that the cycle of the Pleiades[2] was 52 years, and that Earth belonged to the solar system and that it was in a Galaxy, now known as the milky way, and that earth revolved around the center of the Galaxy in 25625 years.


The ancient grandparents divided this enormous cycle in five cycles, each of 5125 years. Each cycle was called a Sun. December 21, 2012 was the end of the last cycle of the five Suns, which began August 11, 3114 B.C.[3] So, so now we are in the new "cycle of five cycles or long count", in the first Sun of the new cycle. Like every calendar, when the last date finishes, restarts a new cycle infinitely. For example: After the hour 24 follows the first hour of the new day, after day 365, starts the first day of the new year, after winter comes spring again. In the case of this new "cycle of cycles", like seasons, they do not finish exactly in the marked day. I.e. climate changes are delayed or advanced and it is a process, it is not a mechanical or immediate change. Hence, although we are now counting the first cycle, the previous has not yet "finished".  This process cannot last over a hundred years and within an account of 25625, hundred years or less is a "non-significant adjustment".

[1] Olmec, derives from the náhuatl words Ollin=Movement and Mecatl=Measure.

[2] Or Seven Sisters (Messier 45 or M45). The time it takes earth to make a full rotation around the Pleiades is 52 years.

[3] Date encountered on Stelae 2 in Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas, México.




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