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From the ancient Mayan language: hunab ku, translates as the "movement giver and the measure". It is composed of: hun, "unique", "only"; nab, "measure" and "movement" and ku o kub, "giver".

The el Anahuac civilization is a single one, by many different cultures in time and space that represent it. So the Mayans, Nahua or Zapotecs, to mention only three of the more than 200 cultures that existed prior to the European invasion and occupation. So that by having a single "philosophical-cultural-matrix" known as Toltecáyotl, we are not facing "different civilizations", that is, the Mayans are not a civilization in themselves, instead they are, part of a whole brotherhood known as the Cem Anahuac civilization.


Thus the Hunab Ku philosophical-spiritual concept, "giver of movement and measure", is not a unique creation of the Mayan culture, in the Nahuatl language (Cem Anahuac lingua franca for thousands of years) is named Tloque Nahuaque. Just as Chac, which represents the luminous energy of the world symbolized with water, also exists in the Zapotec culture with the name of Cosijo, and in the same way we find it in the Nahua culture with the name of Tlaloc. All three share the same philosophical-religious root, but each culture represents it iconographically in different ways, but all coincide depicting goggles and serpent tongue.


The philosophical conception of "the immeasurable", of that supreme consciousness or primordial energy the anahuacas determined that it had no name or form, which was totally abstract and non-understood by the limited human possibilities. So that by the 16th century the spaniards called him "God the father", Jehovah and so represented with an old man sitting on a throne, holding a cross in his right hand and the earth’s globe on the left. The Cem Anahuac peoples, the anahuacas thirty centuries earlier said he was invisible and impalpable as the wind and night or metaphorically called him "He for whom we live". So could not be represented, which implies that the anahuacas were not idolatrous. The Nahuatl concept "teotl" does not mean god, although it was thus translated by the first missionaries.


The confusion arises because early researchers were, and they, always have "studied us by our differences, and not our similarities". So come they see the Cem Anahuac as an "archipelago rather than a continent", and their "national colleagues" completely subdued and colonized, repeat their mistakes until these become the "official truth".


So for the Mayan people and all other peoples of the Anahuac, Hunab Ku was the center of everything in the Galaxy, and in turn, the heart and the mind of the creator, there and through the Sun, directed their gaze while studying the stars. Hunab Ku, is the Center and there were minor "essences". The tlamatinime and knowledge people understood the integrality of the universe with earth and human life. Nothing was separated and everything was complementing. And there was a consciousness or higher "energy" that was in the center of the "immeasurable".


The anahuacas knew that their heart and mind are at the center of the universe and only through the Sun could communicate with him. Considered the galaxy center and in turn, the heart and the mind of the creator. Creator of the world and the human being, built the world three times: the first time was inhabited by geniuses. The second time by the dzolob, a dark and sinister race, and the third and last by the anahuacas.


For some reason, approximately in the year 850 CE at the peak of its brilliant civilization, they departed from their cities that had been destroyed, burned and covered of land or simply abandoned, leaving behind superb constructions, astronomical observatories, works of art, hundreds of monuments and steles... and disappeared, without knowing how destroyed, why they did this and where they were. It is known that they left guardians at their research and study centers known today as "archaeological sites", and that they preserve the valuable codices hidden thus far. Some of the knowledge centers were repopulated by other peoples, but the majority of this research and study centers were covered and many of them remain "undiscovered" underground.


As the legacy of the Anahuac civilization is discovered, we are amazed with these developed astronomers, mathematicians, physicists, engineers, builders of imperishable monuments; considered westerners considered they possessed a superficial and naïve view of the world, backward and primitive. In the light of the findings of the anahuaca cultures, we perceive with real astonishment that in some respects they were ahead of today's scientists, and took an advantage of almost a thousand years to the civilizations of the environment, and were almost one thousand years ahead of contemporary civilizations at the time, the anahuacas dominated a binary exponential numerical system, based on the number 2. Already 500 years before the Arabs, used the concept of 0, and their calendar that synchronizes with the Sun, the Moon and the Earth to the universe, is more exact than what we use today. Moreover, their astronomical measures proved to be so accurate, that comparing them with measures taken by NASA (American Aerospace Centre) are just different in thousandths of a second; for example: according to the anahuacas, the complete rotation of earth around the Sun is 365,2420; while NASA measured it a 365,2422.


The anahuacas maintained the belief that the center of the Galaxy (Hunab Ku), every 5.125 years, surges a "synchronizer ray", which precisely synchronizes to the Sun and all planets, with a powerful energy emanation.


In the complete rotation of the solar system in the Galaxy, they made a division of the ellipse in two, with a fraction of 12.812 years each, calling the fraction closest to the center of the Galaxy, day, and the farthest from Hunab Ku part; Night, such as day and night are divided. In turn, the ellipse was split in five periods of 5.125 years: which were: morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night. According to our old anahuaca grandparents, precisely in our new millennium, we will be entering the galactic morning, and it is marked by the synchronizer ray from Hunab Ku.


Men and women of knowledge tell us that the interim period of the handover, lasts for 20 years, and they call it "The time of the No-Time", where major changes occur. It is there when we must be able to transform, given that our decision will be made to continue as humanity or perish in our self-destruction.


We find a calendar abruptly ending, after a 25,000 years count, precisely in the change of our Millennium. Together with the calendar.


It is logical to assume that all this can be a mere coincidence, and the prophecies, oriented towards people that would be born hundreds of years later, can only be part of a myth ill understood by those who have begun to decipher the Mayan writing; In addition to their strange disappearance, without trace, raises doubts about a people without a known future in their own time, however, announces a future to another phase of human civilization. Their prophecies have scientific basis, and though they reach few initiates with little perceptible calls they ensure they are coming, few know the almost imperceptible calls that are being received, received by those who are capable of deciphering them, and that experience shows that these prophecies are being fulfilled.


Our ancestors indeed convey us a message of hope, because they tell us that this time is the "end of fear". If we are able to cope with this new destiny, we shall survive as a species and civilization, but time runs and a decision must be made, the first prophecy, marks the last 13 years, counted from 1999 onwards, from the time of the sun annular eclipse of 11 August (also announced in their measurements), in which each individual must decide on humanity; before Saturday, December 22, 2012, will be the last day, according to the Toltec old grandparents.


The symbol known as Hunab Ku, is located in the 16th century Magliabecchiano Codex and in the reproduction made by Zelia Nuttall. It is painted in a cloth and has an inscription which says "sand and water". It was later associated with the milky way and the "God Hunab Ku" by Jose Arguelles in 1987 in his book The Maya Factor, who changed the symbol to a circle.


However, the symbol in question belongs to all Cem Anahuac cultures and not only the Mayans. It is composed of four butterflies that point to the four existence directions in "complementing opposite pairs", black with white and white with black, that is, material and immaterial, iconographic concept that presents to us clearly the dialectic principle of the pair of complementing opposites.


It is necessary to know that in the Anahuac Toltec mythology, the male and female "florid death warriors" is depicted with a butterfly in the chest. Symbol that implies that the human being is a cocoon in evolution-transformation and that as of the "Florid Battle", warriors emerge victorious from their cocoon converted into butterflies that rise in search of heaven. We can see the butterfly on the chest of the so-called Tula Atlantes, Coatlicue and the Chac Mol.


At the center of the drawing, where the four butterflies are, is the symbol of a transversely cut snail, which is the Quetzalcoatl par excellence symbol and which refers to the idea of the "divine breath that gives consciousness to matter".


The symbol fully represents the Toltecáyotl guiding principle, as "the art of living in balance". Equilibrium is achieved through "measure", in turn; measurement is obtained from the movement of the stars or celestial mechanics. For this reason Hunab Ku means "giver of movement and measure " for the Anahuac civilization and its different cultures in time and space, but all united by the Toltecáyotl philosophical-cultural matrix.


Translated for Raúl Gutiérrez


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