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The Ontological problem of being.




When a human being or a social group reaches a higher consciousness stage, it's responding to the ?being? ontological95 approach. ?Who am I, where I come from and where I am going." Rummaging through mythical time to find a convincing answer, to affirm them in the present, and explain successfully its evolution. To define its responsibility, self and being at a given time, its relationship with nature, the universe and the immeasurable. And like all peoples, to scrutinize the reality that exists beyond death.

"We just came to sleep,

we only came to dream:

it is not true. It is not true

that we came to live on earth!

As grass every spring

We are turning:

Are re-greening, taking out sprouts

Our heart.

Some flowers produced by our body

and over there it withers."

(Ms. Mexican folk songs.)


This is how; humans create philosophy to answer these basic existence questions. All peoples in the world, when they managed to satisfy their basic subsistence needs, immediately seek to find their existence meaning.


"Shall I go as the flowers that perished?

Nothing shall remain of my name?

Nothing of my reputation here on earth?

At least my flowers, at least my songs!

Here on earth is the region of the fleeting moment.

Is it also like this the place

where we somehow live?

Is there joy, friendship?

Or just here on earth

we have come to know our face?"

(Ms. Mexican folk songs.)


Once they have a "basic theoretical framework" of ideas, people are beginning to find their answers to their everyday world and create "culture", by giving meaning to their acts. Each culture is based on a group of ideas, highly developed and complex or little developed and simple, but all satisfactorily respond to the ontological problem96.


"Where will we go?"

Only came to be born.

Our home is over there:

Where is the place of the emaciated.

I suffer: joy never reached me, happiness

Have I come here only to act in vain?

Is this is not the region where things are done.

Certainly nothing turns green here:

Open its unhappiness flowers."

(Ms. Mexican folk songs.)


In the history of humanity, all peoples have developed a complex system of ideas, which are usually deeply linked to the family and community life. So we can commonly find philosophical responses of life, closely interwoven with their religion, their education, their traditions and customs. Only the European culture, which has biased knowledge, has made philosophy a "Science of thought", abstract and "pure", but that is always extremely difficult to apply by ordinary people in everyday life. This is why, in addition to being the dominant culture, by which European and American researchers deny the existence of an Anahuac philosophy. To date, they have been unable to find –and will not find- in the ancient history of the Anahuac, a European style philosophy.


"Perhaps over there are we real?

We live where there is only sadness?

Is it true, perhaps it is not true as they say?

Don‘t let our hearts grieve.

How much of what they say is really true

or not true there?

You show only inexorable, life giver.

Do not le tour hearts grieve."

(Ms. Mexican folk songs.)


The colonizing fallacy, of yesterday and today, in that the ancient grandparents did not have a philosophy, it is part of the disdain and demeaning valuation with which our mother civilization has been "studied" by foreign scholars and that up to date, the invaded civilization is truly unknown to them. The first fundamental step to recover –our own history- indisputably is to know the ancient philosophy, to understand the human development process of seven thousand five hundred years in the Anahuac. Understand how our culture is has "concealed itself" to self-protect and survive five centuries of destruction attempts.


"Is it true, life happens with roots on earth?

Not forever on Earth

just a little bit here.

Even if its gold it breaks,

even quetzal feathers

tear apart.

Not forever on Earth,

only a little here".

(Ms. Mexican folk songs.)


95 Ontology, part of metaphysics which deals with the “being” in general and its transcendental properties: the ontology term arose at the beginning of the 17th century.

96 Who am I, where do I come from and where am I going to?


True History of an unknown Mexico of Guillermo Marín




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